Series 2 (2006)

Episode title: Fear Her
Featuring: Tenth Doctor
Companions: Rose Tyler
First shown: 24th June 2006
Guide: Materialising on Dame Kelly Holmes Close, the Doctor and Rose arrive to watch the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games in London, however, the TARDIS materialises facing a skip, prompting the Doctor to re-enter the TARDIS and turn it round. Out on the street however, concern is divided between the preparations for the Games, as the final leg for the torchbearer will pass by the Close, and the disappearance of the local children from the Close. Walking down the Close, Rose sees a cat walk into a box and disappear, while cars mysteriously break down in the same place, an occurrence that road worker Kel notes has been occurring all week. The Doctor and Rose choose to investigate the disappearance of the children, rather than prepare themselves for the opening ceremony. Rose wanders down the Close and hears a noise coming from one of the garages and, thinking that it may be one of the missing children, opens it to investigate. As she opens the door, a large fuzzy scribble creature flies out, hitting Rose in the face causing her to fall backwards onto the driveway. The scribble creature attacks Rose, who tries to swat it away helplessly before the Doctor arrives and deactivates it with his Sonic Screwdriver. The scribble creature lands on Rose, which the Doctor picks up and helps Rose to her feet before taking the creature to the TARDIS for analysis.

The Doctor and Rose arrive to investigate the disappearances in Fear Her

Inside the TARDIS, the Doctor works out that the creature is made from carbon material, specifically pencil material, and deduces from the residual energy that the whole thing is alien in nature. Back in the street, the Doctor and Rose speak to Chloe, a little girl who doesn't have many friends and lives alone with her mother. Through the discussion, the Doctor discovers that the disappearances are linked to the crash landing of the Isolus, an alien life-form that travels with its billions of family members but crash landed on Earth after a solar flare disrupted its flight path. The Isolus befriended Chloe as she has had a troubled childhood as well, including an abusive father, but the Doctor warns that the Isolus will want billions of friends to feel happy again. The Doctor returns to the TARDIS and isolates the Isolus pod to having landed in the Close, but before he can do anything about it, Chloe draws him on paper and he disappears, along with thousands of people waiting at the Olympic stadium to watch the torchbearer enter.

Rose with the drawing of Chloe's dad in Fear Her

However, Rose also deduces where the pod was most likely to land, in Kel's freshly laid warm tarmac, and begins to dig it up, much to Kel's annoyance. Once discovered, Rose also realises that the pod will need heat in order to set off on its journey again, and takes it to the end of the Close as the Olympic flame passes by. With a well-timed throw, Rose launches the pod into the torch as the torchbearer passes, ready to send it to the Olympic stadium. The children that had disappeared into Chloe's drawings begin to reappear, but so does the drawing of Chloe's late father, which begins to take over Chloe's house with her mother also trapped inside. However, through the aid of singing, Chloe's mother and Rose are able to calm Chloe enough to defeat the drawing of her dad and escape the house, just as the torchbearer begins to falter with carrying the torch, falling to the ground. However, a hand appears to carry on the flame all the way to the Olympic stadium, revealed to be the Doctor, who lights the Olympic flame, allowing the Isolus pod to fly home to its family. Back on the Close, the Doctor and Rose look up at the sky where Rose notes that no matter how hard people try, they'll never split them up. The Doctor is less sure, noting that a storm is coming very soon.

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